


You’ve probably heard about mindfulness and how much a difference it can make, but perhaps you aren’t sure how it all works?

Meditation is just one way to practice mindfulness and studies have shown it to be highly effective in many cases. An ancient technique that’s been around for over 5000 years, it has a strong scientific basis and doesn’t need to have anything to do with religion.

Meditation is one of the most effective techniques for handling mental health issues, including depression and anxiety.

Researchers at the University of Oxford found mindfulness could be particularly useful for those suffering from recurrent episodes of depression. In a study funded by the National Institute for Health Research, they worked over a two year period comparing the effects of daily mindfulness with those that take medication.

The trial showed that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy helped many people with higher relapse of depression to discontinue medication.

Mindfulness is not only relaxing and good for one’s health but a great way to discover our inner resources of happiness. In today’s world, when people are always seeking to find happiness outside ourselves this is no small thing.

Wild Orange is ideal for anybody looking to learn how to meditate and enrich their life. We can teach a wide range of techniques to reduce stress and anxiety, including mindfulness.

We even offer a free telephone consultation. For more information, why not explore our website today?