


Get in touch

Still not sure Wild Orange can help, take a look at the following questions and statements, do any of them resonate with you?

  • I am so stressed , anxious and worry about lots of things

  • I think I am in the wrong job, I am so bored, I have no motivation

  • I have been made redundant, I feel such a failure

  • Since the children have left home, I have no real purpose

  • I really would like to understand and practise Mindfulness

  • Are you aware of your own strengths?

  • Are you suffering from low self-esteem, self-confidence or self-worth?

  • Are you finding it difficult to fit everything in, finding time to relax and time for yourself, difficulty in prioritising work and home life?

  • Have you suffered during the menopause and need help to address the symptoms and challenges?

  • Have you lost your purpose in life?

Book an appointment

Get your life back on track. Use the form below to tell us about your enquiry, or call Wild Orange to schedule an appointment.It will be £35 for your first consultation.

All your personal data will be kept safe, on an internal database and never shared with anyone else.