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The Land of No Pressure

A little bit of pressure from time to time might be motivating and help to harness our potential. However, that's not the type of pressure I'm talking about. I'm talking about sustained pressure gnawing away, such as....

The ongoing pressure to know what you're doing with your life and to make something of yourself.

The pressure to "find your purpose"

The pressure to succeed

The pressure from other people, to meet their expectations

The pressure of many things to be done (even all the good things we LOVE to do can end up piling up and begin to feel like pressure).

And probably the most AVOIDABLE but common type of pressure we experience is the pressure we put on ourselves, mentally and emotionally pushing ourselves to be more, do more, get more, know more, achieve more.

Do you know what happens when too much pressure is applied to something?

Usually it pops, bursts, explodes! 🀯

And I'm not really down with that! I don't want to see anyone pop under too much pressure, so today I'd love you to join me in the land of no pressure. It's a CHOSEN way of living where we give ourselves permission to be where we're at, to be compassionate and patient with ourselves, and to enjoy this ride called life without forcing ourselves to have it all figured out and perfectly handled.

After all - does anyone really have it all figured out? It might look like that on the outside to you, but underneath we're all human, and life is an exploratory journey.

We aren't meant to have all the answers. We're allowed to live each day leaning into the mystery.

During this time with Covid 19, it’s even more important to have good mental hygiene habits for overall health and wellbeing.

So, if you would like to know more about how we can achieve that, using mindfulness and meditation to build awareness, create a growth mindset and build emotional resilience, in order to live in the land of no pressure, then reach out.

I’m ready and eager to help any company to create a tailored self- care tool kit to navigate this thing called life. 

Carole x

Self Care coach, Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher

Carole Haywood-Poole