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The Power of Gratitude

I believe a gratitude practice is one of the most powerful and simple ways to boost your wellbeing, dissolve feelings of anxiety and negative stress.

Live with gratitude for peace in your heart, joy in your spirit and sense of hope for your future. In short to live with more vitality.

Giving a few minutes of your time each day to focus on what you have in your life right now, to feel thankful and grateful for, can give you so much back.

Gratitude can support you to….

Destress and dissolve anxiety

Boost mood and motivation

Better appreciate what you have in your life

Avoid taking things and people for granted

Build resilience

Here are a few gratitude boosting tips:

1. Ask yourself each morning:

What do I feel grateful for today ? Can you think of three things ?

Who do I feel grateful for and appreciate in my life right now?

If you can’t think of three , don’t worry. Quality over quantity. Vary it up, Don’t simply press the repeat button every day. While repetition is good, focusing on different things, people ,aspects each day to help keep gratitude practise fresh and novel.

2. Self Care

Shine the light inward towards yourself. Name three things about yourself that you feel grateful for. Perhaps your sense of humour, ability to listen or your parenting skills. Or some achievement or project you have accomplished. Or perhaps simply being able to accept the challenges of working from home, or home schooling in these Covid challenged times.

3. Small things are the big things

What small thing can you feel grateful for today? For me, my walk in nature earlier and for my welcome cup of freshly brewed coffee on my return.

What do I usually take for granted each day that I can choose to see through the lens of gratitude?

4 WWW or What Went Well ?

A great habit at night time, to think about three things that went well today. A terrific way to destress and settle the subconscious mind before sleep.

5.Express your gratitude, by this I mean write it down. This connects your brain through your hand to your paper and what you express is impressed in your heart and mind. Write it to others through a letter, text or email, a small gesture like this can make a big difference to someone else’s day.

It only take a few minutes each day, but the power of a gratitude practice can last forever.

What’s stopping you starting today?

Take Care

Carole x

Mindfulness Teacher and self care coach

Carole Haywood-Poole