
Tips, Inspiration and Updates


Express gratitude right now (and tomorrow, and the next day, too). You don’t have to wait until you’re seated around the Christmas dinner table to express what you’re grateful for. Finding something simple to be thankful for each day can help boost your resilience and overall sense of well-being.Using the letters  ESG each day to recall something you have enjoyed, something you are satisfied with and something you are grateful for, and savour each moment as it happens.

Practice the art of savouring. When you finally sit down to that roast turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, pigs in blankets , take a moment to really appreciate all that went into bringing that food to your table. Slow down and notice it all, so you can appreciate it even more. 

Allow your feelings to be what they are. For some of us, big celebrations like Christmas can be tough. You may be far from home and missing family, or you may be feeling the absence a dearly departed family member. Or perhaps spending a prolonged amount of time with your family is emotionally draining. If you’re feeling down, don’t get stuck in a cycle of negative thinking. Allow your feelings to be what they are, and create a little space for yourself.

Carole xx

Life coach, mindfulness and self care coach.

Carole Haywood-Poole