



Wild Orange is a unique mental health and wellbeing service to promote personal growth, transformation and self -care.Using mindfulness & meditation to increase emotional resilience and nervous system regulation.

When we start to think about the cost of living, energy prices, inflation and interest rates , it’s normal to feel worried and overwhelmed, anxiety is high, but it doesn’t have to feel so hard. You are not alone. I have courses, masterclasses and workshops to help and support you. These help you to both understand your emotions and to accept your feelings as valid ones.

Research has shown that people who are more mindful are generally happier and report less anxiety, symptoms of depression, anger and worries. A higher degree of mindfulness is also associated with reduced stress and increased gratitude, hope and vitality.

So if practicing mindfulness holds such powerful potential for our wellbeing, why aren’t we doing it every day?

The reason is that we often need more guidance and support than simply downloading an app. We need to better understand the underlying processes and research behind mindfulness.

This Mindfulness Now programme is designed to walk you through everything you need to fully understand mindfulness and experience the profound effects it can have on your life.

I run an 8 week course and it is perfect for anyone who suffers from anxiety, worry ,stress or overthinking.

For those who often feel overwhelmed, stuck and confused. Those who procrastinate and therefore doesn’t achieve as much as they would like. Who feels annoyed at themselves for doing the same old habits , again and again..

Do you spend time in your head, rehearsing the future, thinking abut the “what if’s” and find it hard to be present?

Then this is the course for you.

Not only will you understand the nuts and bolts behind the practice, you’ll be able to approach it in the science based way, to enable you to live more mindfully and feel more alive and present.

You will increase your emotional intelligence and build resilience, so you are more easily able to manage stressful situations and difficult emotions.

I am a fully insured, accredited and experienced Mindfulness Teacher, a qualified life coach and a member of the association for coaching, MAC. I specialise in stress management and self care. I have qualifications in humanistic counselling.

I also have experience in working with trauma and recognising behaviour and responses consistent with trauma. Supporting and providing tools and techniques to not only manage, but to start to enjoy normal daily life.

The 8 week Mindfulness Now Course is on a face to face basis, incorporating both MBSR [mindfulness based stress reduction] and MBCT [ mindfulness based cognitive therapy ] techniques, which supports the participant through a personal investigation of mindfulness practices. Where you learn about stress, its effects on the body, stress in interpersonal relationships and how mindfulness practice can help radically reduce the causes and effects of stress, as well as improve general health and well-being.

I also offer one to one and group sessions working on self care, how to manage stress and it’s symptoms as well as tools and techniques on eating and sleeping well.

Whatever it is you trying to deal with, we can work together to create a personalised plan to get you back on track.

Never before has our emotional intelligence and resilience been more important and the ability to self regulate so powerful in the mental health and wellbeing space.


Free telephone consultation

Get your life back on track. Reduce stress, worry and anxiety .Call today for your free telephone consultation -secure your initial session for just £40.00. Packages available for 3, 6 or 9 sessions with special rates for students and the low paid.

07738 479 799


Service offerings

LIFE coaching

A unique coaching  service that focuses on identifying the root cause of your issues and feelings opposed to just addressing the symptoms. Life coaching can be liberating, helping you to realise those unfulfilled dreams and desires which is stopping you from being successful.

Using goal setting and tailored models , to create plans that are both manageable and achievable.

A goal is a dream written down, with a date, it then becomes a plan.

Dreams can come come true.

Health and Wellbeing

Covering a huge range of topics, specialising in reducing stress and anxieties, including looking at work/life balance. Using Mindfulness techniques to help overcome mental health issues, looking at identifying blocks such as self-limiting beliefs, automatic negative thoughts, lack of confidence and self-esteem. The overall aim is self care and obtaining good mental and emotional health.I run self care workshops on various Saturday’s throughout the year. From basic self care-dealing with stress, to the Power of No, managing the menopause and eating and sleeping well.

Recharge, Reset and Relax -a chance to recharge your batteries, to understand what it draining you and how to combat that by practicing techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises.

A Mindful MoT -a chance to look at your self care strategies, how to recognise signs of stress, overwhelm and burnout, how to listen to your bodies messages, how to interpret them and how to create your own self care too kit in order to “run” at your optimum.

A brand new ‘ Who am I?’ workshop started in February 2022- an opportunity to explore all the labels we carry, challenge those self limiting beliefs, find what brings us joy and peace.


Mindfulness Now is an 8 week course which supports the participant through a personal investigation of Mindfulness practices. As a group, approx. 5-6 people meet once a week for two hours to practice and learn about stress, its effects on the body, stress in interpersonal relationship and how Mindfulness practice can help radically reduce the causes and effects of stress, as well as improve general health and wellbeing. The course includes 16 hours group work, and all supporting materials.

The full cost of the course is £125.00 with a deposit of £35.00 and can be paid at £12 per week. Or a discount of 20% , if fees paid in advance.[£100.00]

The 4 week meditation beginners class is delivered face to face and is currently £10.00 for an hour each week and will focus on breathing awareness and simple meditations. It’s a great place to start.

I attended the mindfulness course in March 2019 and I can honestly say it has been life changing, Simply having two hours to myself each week has made me a better person and has made me stop seeing my development as selfish. I am much calmer, and found stressful situations easier to handle.
— Katie


Let's Chat.

What ever you may be struggling with, let’s start to make a change. Get in touch for your free telephone consultation.

Use the form below to contact us regarding your enquiry. All personal data will be kept secure and never shared in line with the new GDPR regulations.